Masterclass i korledelse: Helsinki – september 2012

I september 2012 var Voces Academy i samarbejde med Helsinki Chamber Choir vært for en masterclass i korledelse i Helsinki. Intentionen var at skabe et større internationalt kendskab til akademiets læringsmiljø, ensemblekultur og fokus på musikalsk lederskab.


International introduction to the Voces Academy masterclass for conductors with Peter Hanke and members of the Helsinki Chamber Choir

Based on a format successfully applied to similar courses in Denmark and the UK, the Voces Academy offers young choral conductors a special masterclass setup. Over two full days, September 4th & 5th, 2012, Six active participants and six observers are invited to work with a group of choristers from the Voces Academy and members of the Helsinki Chamber Choir.

This masterclass for conducting talents in Helsinki is made possible by an invitation from the Hanken School of Economics Executive Education – Peter Hanke and the Helsinki Chamber Choir have been working with this institution since 2008. The principles of cooperation between singers and conductor is demonstrated and investigated in a special workshop for the Hanken clients, in parallel with the conducting masterclass.

The masterclass working routine is based on practical conducting sessions with the ensemble, reflected leadership methods and self-perception according to the Voces Academy tradition. Attending the ensemble singing is considered as a natural part of the learning journey and therefore the ensemble consists of both professional singers, volunteers, and participants of the masterclass.

The music will be chosen from an interesting Nordic repertoire plus smaller exercising pieces. The specific pieces will be selected by the participants in collaboration with Peter Hanke.


Main repertoire

  • Arvo Pärt: Magnificat
  • Henry Purcell/Svend David Sandström: Hear my prayer
  • Einojuhani Rautavaara: Suite de Lorca
  • Vagn Holmboe: The Wee Wee Man
  • Egil Hovland: Credo opus 137
  • Matyas Seiber: Nonsense
Udgivet i Internationalt netværk, Læringsmiljøet, Masterclass, Peter Hanke, Talentudvikling, Undervisning, Voces academy og tagget , , , , , , , , .